Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Fairytale daw oh! Full of ERRORS


In a far away land Heradin, there was a woman named Erin. She’s the most beautiful in their town. Aside from being the most beautiful, she’s also kind and responsible daughter and sister to her family. She takes care of her little sisters and brother. She’s the dream wife of every man in town. Many courted her but always decline.

One day when she taking care of her youngest sister, a man knocked on their door.

“Coming!” she said.

When she opened the door, a stunning man was in front of her. To her surprise, she was speechless. It was her first time to see a man like the man in the front of their door.

“Excuse me. How can I get to this place?” the man said. She was in day dreaming that time. Until the man said again, “Excuse me. Miss, are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Let me see.” She replied.

“I know this, just walk until you reached the second block and then you will see this stall.” She added.

“Well, thank you.” He said and walked away.

Days passed and an unexpected thing happened. This was the worst event in their lives. Her father got sick and was given a month to live.

“Oh father, please don’t leave. We need you.” Erin said.

“Don’t cry my dear Erin, please, if it is my time then accept it.” Her father said.

Days and weeks passed. Her father met the Creator. Her family was in their gloomy days and nights. Being the eldest she needs to support her family because her mother after her father died, don’t talked anymore. She worked in a barn near their house. It was owned by a neighbour named Czardix. Czardix was the son of the old man who lived in a forest years ago. He was a well-built man with a beautiful manner. He doesn’t let Erin to be overworked. The cleaning of the small barn was enough for him to pay the lady’s service. Every payday, she went out with her family for her mother to enjoy the things thought her father died.

One night, while she was about to sleep, a shadow of a fairy appeared on the wall. She looked at it but there’s no one on the other side. She wiped her eyes that she thought it was just a glanced. But after she wiped her eyes the shadow was still there.

She said. “Who are you?”

The shadow replied, “I am your guardian fairy, I’m with you since you were born.”

“Until now you’re guiding me?” she whispered.

“Yes. I know you’re having a hard time working on that barn though it’s a small one. You always worry about your mother here at your house.” The fairy replied.

“How did you know? But how can you help me?” Erin said.

“Of course I know it, remember I’m with you since birth. I will help you in your chores in the barn to get easy.” Fairy replied.

“Okay, if you don’t want to believe in me then we’ll see.” The fairy added.

Thinking it was just a dream, she ignored it. When she woke up the next day, there was a bunch of flowers beside her bed. It has a note saying, “I am real and I assure you that I will help you. Cheers!” That was the time she realized that what happened last night was true.

She continue her routine at the barn and suddenly she noticed something, her other chores was done even though she didn’t do it. Czardix was glad for what happened that Erin was done before the lunch. Erin now can go back to her mom. This daily routine continues until one day, Erin received an invitation for a ball. The invitation says, “All the single ladies are welcome to join my party. Hope to see you there.” Wondering who the invitation from was she decided to go to the said party. Erin wore a gown she kept for along time, it was her mother’s gown when she joined also another ball. Erin just walked to get through the place. When she got there, ladies were very excited to dance with the bachelor, the one who planned for the party. Being not an aggressive one, she just sat on one corner and enjoyed staring at the persons on the floor.

A little while her face got darked by a shadow, when she looked at it was the bachelor. She smiled and so with the bachelor. The bachelor asked her to dance. Thinking twice, she agreed, but before she stood up, she saw the fairy nights ago, gesturing ok. While dancing, they talked and talked until they were the last persons in the ball.

The two got close to each other after that night. The bachelor kept visiting Erin at home. Erin after that night left her job and concentrated with her family. Every morning the bachelor brought Erin and her family breakfasts. And until then they got closer and closer and closer. Little by little Erin felt something strange with the guy. She was falling in love with guy that she didn’t dream of. But guy has been committed for a year that Erin doesn’t know.

April fools came, and the fiancé of the bachelor came to the town, that was the time Erin has known everything. She cried and cried until she slept. The bachelor’s fiancé lived for a month and that was the time that Erin bring to an end her communication with the bachelor. She decided to forget the guy and the things happened to them. But her heart says no. Every time she saw the guy and the lady, her heart cries, she doesn’t know what to do; she also doesn’t know where to go to when she suffered in this situation. All she did was is to cry.

Her guardian fairy, also suffered when Erin was in this condition, she did everything just to let Erin happy. But all these things did not work. On the next day, the fairy brought out bunch of flowers, chocolates, everything. Still it doesn’t work.

When the bachelor’s fiancé was out, he visited Erin in their house. She doesn’t want to talk either for what had happened. But still the guy insisted. Erin agreed with permission from her guardian fairy. They talked.

“Why are you like? Why are you avoiding these things?” The bachelor said.

“You want to know the real thing?” Erin said.

“Yes.” The guy whispered.

“I fell in love with you. And you’re hurting my feelings whenever I saw you and your fiancé.” She said while about to cry.

“The night when we dance, it stock on my mind, my heart kept looking for you.” She added.

“You know what Erin?” the bachelor said.

“What? You will just tell that you two are getting married one of these days?” Erin replied.

“No Erin, we bring our relation to an end. She will go abroad and will not come back anymore. She just told me that she’s leaving. And she lends me some things.” The guy said.

Erin didn’t listen to what the guy said. He walked away crying and left the house.

The guy tried to follow her but he didn’t see where Erin goes.

Erin went to the nearest river in their town. Nothing was there aside from a pair of squirrel looking at her. She stayed there the whole day. And she didn’t go back home. Her guardian fairy looked for her around the town but didn’t see Erin.

The next day, the bachelor searched for Erin around the town. But he went back searched nothing. He asked the neighbours if they saw Erin around, but they said no. He prayed for Erin’s safety for how many days. Until one day, he heard news telling that a body was found at the end of the river on the next town.

He immediately went to the next town and confirmed if it was Erin. And to his surprised it was she. He then cried out loud. When he grabbed Erin’s body, he found a piece of paper in Erin’s pocket and here’s what she wrote:

“I love you my dear Paris.”

Paris then cried nobody can stop him. Until he said, “My dear Erin, why did leave me? I love you too.”

Blaming himself Paris went to church and promise to Erin that next time he will fall in love again, he will take care of the woman he loved.

The End


Potek to, project ko sa LITERAT ito dati. Gawa daw kami ng fairy tale.

Posted in Multiply - August 11, 2007

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